Websites for the Living Historian/Reenactor
Print Refrences
General Reenacting
- First Impressions: Getting Started in Civilian Reenacting, Susan Lyons Hughes
- An Introduction to Civil War Civilians, Juanita Leisch
- The Lady Reenactor, Volume 1, Rick Keating, pub.
Ballroom Dancing
- Hillgrove's Ballroom Guide and Practical Dancer
Civilian Life & Bibliography
- The Journal of Women's Civil War History, Volumes 1 & 2, Eileen Conklin, ed. Hospital Days: Reminiscence of a Civil War Nurse, Jane Stuart Woolsey
- Mary Chesnut's Civil War, C. Vann Woodward, ed.
- Too Afraid to Cry: Maryland Civilians in the Antietam Campaign, Kathleen A. Ernst
- Woman in the Nineteenth Century (1843), Margaret Fuller
Clothing, Accessories, & Hairstyles
- Civil War Gentlemen: 1860s Apparel Arts & Uniforms, R. L. Shep Fashions and Costumes from Godey's Lady's Book, Stella Blum, ed. Ladies' Wear Daily, Juanita Leisch
- A Reenactor's Guide to Clothing & Fabrics of the Civil War Era, Karyn R. Zeller
- The Techniques of Ladies' Hairdressing of the 19th Century, Jules & Kaethe Kliot, ed. Tussie Mussies: Victorian Posey Holders, Jeri Schwartz
- Victorian and Edwardian Fashion: A Photographic Survey, Alison Gernsheim
- Victoriana Americana: The Customs and Costumes of Victorian America, Evelyn Swenson
- Who Wore What? Women's Wear 1861-1865, Juanita Leisch
- Blue and Grey Cookery: Authentic Recipes from the Civil War Years, Hugh & Judy Gowan
- Suited to a Tea, Patricia B. Mitchell
- Union Army Camp Cooking 1861-1865, Patricia B. Mitchell
- Victorian Parlors and Tea Parties, Patricia B. Mitchell
- Waking Up Down South: Southern Breakfast Traditions, Patricia B. Mitchell
- Etiquette and the Usages of Society
- The Ladies' Book of Etiquette, Fashion and Manual of Politeness
- Martine's Hand-book of Etiquette and Guide to True Politeness
- The American Frugal Housewife, Lydia Child
- Home Front Regiment 1861-1865: Women Fighting from the Hearth, Patricia B. Mitchell
- My Baby, Elizabeth Rock
- Laundry and Cleaning Practices of the Mid-Nineteenth Century, Virginia Mescher
- Laundry Handbook: A Manual for Creating a Civilian or Military Laundress Impression or Laundry Exhibit, Virginia Mescher
- "Washer Woman" (The Civil War Times, August 1999), Vickie Wendel
Sewing and Handwork
- Authentic Victorian Dressmaking Techniques, Kristina Harris, ed.
- Civil War Ladies: Fashions and Needle-Arts of the Early 1860s (primary source material from Peterson's Magazine 1861 and 1864�), R. L. Shep
- Dating Fabrics: A Color Guide 1800-1960, Eileen Jahnke Trestain
- The Ladies' Hand Book of Fancy and Ornamental Work - Civil War Era, Florence Hartley
- The Little Corset Book: A Workbook on Period Underwear, Bonnie Holt Ambrose
Civil War Quilts
- Big Book of Best-Loved Quilt Patterns, Leisure Arts
- Civil War Women: Their Quilts, Their Roles, Activities for Re-enactors, Barbara Brackman
- Grandma's Best Full-Size Quilt Blocks: Pieces of the Past for Today's Quilter, Better Homes & Gardens
- Quilts from the Civil War, Barbara Brackman
- Teach Yourself Blocks From the Past, Marie Henry
Civil War Spies
- Dear Ellen Bee: A Civil War Scrapbook of Two Union Spies, Mary E. Lyons & Muriel M. Branch
- Only Call Us Faithful (a novel based on the life of Elizabeth Van Lew, from primary source materials), Marie Jakober
- Spies! Women in the Civil War, Penny Colman
Women in Uniform (No women were documented as serving in the Third U.S. Infantry)
- Patriots in Disguise: Women Warriors of the Civil War, Richard Hall
- Civil War Women - stories by Alcott, Chopin, Welty, and others
- Enemy Women, Paulette Jiles
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